
Download the donation receipt

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Donations to support university life

Every year, there are students enrolling at the University of Bologna who have to deal with difficult personal, family or financial situations that jeopardise their university career and, consequently, their future.

With a small donation, you can prevent this and offer students in difficulty concrete support to help them get through their studies.

The donations will be used to support students in hardship through the provision of:

  • scholarships;
  • rent subsidies;
  • mobility grants (the purchase of transport passes).

Who you will help with your donation

Students in difficulty enrolled in one of the University of Bologna's First-, Second- and Single-cycle degree programmes.

What happens after your donation

Your donation will increase the annual fund used by the University to promote calls (for scholarships, rent and mobility grants) for socially and economically disadvantaged students.

Fundraising will end in December 2024.

From € 10
Support this project

Donor data

(if you do not have an Italian tax code, please write to

  • Choose the project

  • Follow the procedure

  • Complete the donation


  • Are there tax benefits for donors?

    Yes, there are tax benefits for donors with an Italian tax code. Cash donations to the University are tax deductible, within the limits indicated by Italian law and provided they are made by credit card (including prepaid cards), bank transfer, cashier's cheques or bank drafts made out to the Alma Mater Studiorum-Università di Bologna bearing the "non-transferable" clause.

    Tax benefits for natural persons

    For natural persons, donations are fully deductible from the donor's overall income, with no limit on the income or amount of the donation. In the case of charitable donations for technological innovation, school and university construction and the expansion of education, natural persons are entitled to deduct the expenditure within the limit set by Italian law.

    Reference regulations

    • Article 10(1)(l-4) of the Italian Income Tax Consolidation Act, Presidential Decree 917/1986;
    • Article 15(1)(l-8) of the Income Tax Consolidation Act, Presidential Decree 917/1986.

    Tax benefits for legal persons

    For legal persons that are IRES taxable subjects, the deductibility margin granted by the legislator is modulated based on the characteristics of the entity receiving the donations and/or activities carried out by it.

    Funds for financing research, by way of contributions or donations, by companies and other corporate income tax (IRES) payers to universities are fully deductible from the donor’s income. 

    Full deductibility is recognised, within the limit of 2% of declared business income, if the entity is a legal person that exclusively pursues the purposes of education, instruction, recreation, social and health care, worship or scientific research. 

    Full deductibility is recognised, within the limit of 2% of declared business income, up to a maximum of €70,000, if the entity is a non-profit educational institution and the donation is aimed at technological innovation, school construction and expansion of the education services.

    Reference regulation

    • Article 1, paragraphs 353 and 354 of Italian Law 266/2005;
    • Article 100(2)(a) and (o)(2) of the Italian Income Tax Consolidation Act, Presidential Decree 917/1986.
  • Is it possible to download the tax receipt for donors?

    Yes, it is possible for donors with an Italian tax code. The tax receipt can always be downloaded by clicking the Download Receipt button in the header at the top of the platform, entering your tax code and the IUV code (Payment Identification Code) received at the time of payment.

    If you made a donation by a payment notice, the IUV code corresponds to the last 15 digits of the "Notice Code".

    The tax receipt will be available in a few days.

  • Can I donate anonymously?

    Yes. In this case, when donating, we suggest that you do not give consent for your name to be published on institutional promotion and communication sites and materials related to the University's fundraising activities.

     Donors' personal data will in any case be processed by the competent offices of the University of Bologna for the finalisation of the donation.

  • What is meant by modest value?

    A donation is of modest value when, taking into account the objective value of the donation in relation to the donor's economic capacity, it may be assumed that it does not appreciably affect his assets.

    In this case, the donation can be finalised without any particular formalities and, for cash donations, also via online payment channels.

     The University of Bologna has set an online donation limit of €10,000 for both private individuals and companies.

  • Can I donate more than €10,000?

    Yes, but it cannot be done via the online platform. For more information on donations over €10,000, please write to  

  • Is it possible to make a donation from abroad?

    Yes, donations can be made from abroad after contacting our offices. Please write to